Kill Bill is an open-source subscription billing and payments platform.
Fully extensible, you can build your business logic on top of it for a customized billing and payments solution.
Usage Billing
In this post we want to take a shot and classify a bit more what is referred to as Usage Billing. The short answer is the ability to bill for what a user has used over a given period of time.

Kill Bill Analytics plugin 0.5.9 released
We're happy to announce we just released version 0.5.9 of the Analytics plugin. This plugin is a must have for any Kill Bill installation. It provides insights in real-time on how your...
Deploying Kill Bill on Heroku
Similar to OpenShift, Heroku grants you a limited set of free resources each month (750 free dyno-hours per app) that you can leverage to run Kill Bill and the Kill Bill admin UI -- Kaui,...
Bitcoin Plugin
In this post we will describe our Kill Bill Bitcoin plugin. Our Kill Bill Coinbase plugin has been described in a previous entry and the intent here is to focus on the Bitcoin plugin...
Deploying Kill Bill on OpenShift
Thanks to the entry-level offering of the Cloud Application Platform by Red Hat — OpenShift, you can run in the cloud Kill Bill and the Kill Bill admin UI — Kaui, for free. This article will guide you through it.
Coinbase integration experiment
When we designed Kill Bill, we always thought of it as a billing platform, rather than simply a subscription billing system. We wanted to make it flexible enough to support much more than...
Kill Bill: plugins architecture
Kill Bill wasn't our first billing system. As we developed these systems, even though the very core always looked the same (i.e. compute invoices and charge customers on a regular basis),...
Kill Bill: Billing System Architecture
This post is a high level description of the architecture of Kill Bill as a billing system. The intent is to describe briefly the various core components and how they interact with one...
Persistent Bus in Kill Bill
In this first blog entry, we will talk about the choice we made to use a persistent event bus in our Kill Bill infrastructure, and how it works. Kill Bill is comprised of several core...
Kill Bill – Genesis
In a tragic world run amok with billing errors and fleeing customers there was hatched a small duck, Killian (Kill) Bill. He began life as a twinkle in his creators' eyes. A new hope, a...