This month we take a look at common concerns with enterprise open-source software (OSS) and how those concerns apply to Kill Bill. Those who are looking for recurring billing software at...
Differences Between A License And A Subscription Software Model
In recent years, a great many software companies have discarded their licensing model in favor of a subscription-based model. One of the main reasons for this is because it benefits both...
The Pitfalls of a SaaS Billing and Payments Solution
A SaaS billing and payments solution isn't right for all organizations, especially those with complex billing needs. Pierre and I are the co-creators of an open-source billing and payment...
Two Aspects of SaaS Entitlement Management: Access and Billing
Entitlement in the SaaS industry provides the answer to the question: Is the user allowed (entitled) to use this service or product at a given time? It provides information about the...
Why choose an Open-Source SaaS Billing solution
The Flightpath Team recently published a detailed article on the pros and cons of platforms like Stripe, Chargebee, and Chargify. The author argues that Stripe is best suited if you...
Subscription As A Service Using Kill Bill
In the last few months we have been working on extending the Kill Bill multi-tenancy feature. As its core, Kill Bill was designed as a multi-tenant system, where each object (account,...