Here at Kill Bill, we frequently receive inquiries from both our customers and the broader community about specific Kill Bill behaviors. If the billing day is the 31st, when would the...
Billing Systems
Why choose an Open-Source SaaS Billing solution
The Flightpath Team recently published a detailed article on the pros and cons of platforms like Stripe, Chargebee, and Chargify. The author argues that Stripe is best suited if you...
Kill Bill Cloud Billing and Payment Now Available (Release 0.22.x)
We have just released a new version of Kill Bill 0.22.x: Release Notes. Besides introducing our initiatives for cloud billing and payment, we've also been working on improving: Core...
Announcing Kill Bill release 0.20
We are very pleased to announce the new Kill Bill 0.20.x release train (current version at the time of this blog is 0.20.1). This has been a long cycle and a lot has happened since our...
Kaui updates for 0.20
Over the past year, we continued to invest heavily in Kaui, the Kill Bill Admin UI. While originally it was only used by Customer Support teams, it has now become a swiss army knife for...
API, Documentation, and Client Libraries
We have an UPDATED blog post on this topic! After 7 years of improving our code base and answering diligently questions on our mailing list , we have decided that one of the main focus of...
Kill Bill Payment Bridge Plugin
When we first started the work on Kill Bill 6 years ago, our original focus was centered around subscription billing/invoicing and the payment system was mostly a side module used to pay...
Kill Bill 0.18.x Release
We are very eager to announce the new Kill Bill 0.18.x release train (current version at the time of this blog is 0.18.2). Our last announcement for a 'major' release (see current Kill...
Bill Cycle Day Overrides
Until now, Kill Bill only allowed to configure the Bill Cycle Day (BCD) attached to each subscription through the use of billing alignment catalog rules. As a reminder, the BCD defines the...
BlockingState Abstractions
In this blog, we will explore the power behind the BlockingState abstraction inside Kill Bill. Overview: The BlockingState events were introduced in version 0.6.x, so while they are...